![]() 08/21/2017 at 19:38 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I arrived home at 11:30am this morning. The return trip totaled about 20 hours. That’s 15 hours of driving and 5 hours of sleeping and eating.
She has a lot of (minor) cosmetic issues, two electrical issues (12 v input doesn’t work plus bad windows), one mechanical issue (leaky A/C), and it’s wearing very worn out snow tyres. They did last the trip back and thankfully I brought along a power pack with me. I ended up spending 10 driving hours listening to NPR anyway.
The car actually drives better than Tucker did at 23,000 miles! The first thing I had to do when I got home was clean her. She looked (inside and out) like she hadn’t been cleaned in a while (probably a consequence of the windows not working with dust/water getting in). Everything was dirty and there was a weird smell I couldn’t pinpoint.
(Looks like I’ll have to get the clock pod, previous owner only got the tach, and the trim ring is gone)
It took 4 hours of Svending to get the interior wholly presentable, like so! Ignore the yoga mat floor mats, they’re being used as a template for custom mats of my own design.
I even got most of the front wheel rust off! The brake dust on the front wheels baked into the paint, but most of it came off.
Ignore the paint imperfections, most of them are just dirt marks.
With the car came a bootleg MB Star machine (worth $800+) a spare tyre with tools, a California PopTop, hundreds of pages of technical documents, and some other goodies I haven’t looked at yet.
The spare tyre lives with Tucker now:
My favourite part is this transmission! There isn’t a parking pawl. To park, you put it into Neutral then into Reverse, then set the hand brake. To start the car, take it out of Reverse and into Neutral, press the brake, then start!
Awesome for a free car! She’s a 2005 smart fortwo passion with 24,000 miles, not sure which engine yet though.
And yes, the name is a reference to Chelsea Manning, mainly the “free” part.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 19:42 |
So how many Smarts has this been for you?
One day, I’ll like something as much as you like Smarts.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 19:42 |
Going to do any of the work yourself?
![]() 08/21/2017 at 19:44 |
Grundig, now that’s a brand I haven’t seen at all in North America. Seems fairly prevalent in Germany, though.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 19:48 |
1. Family picture! I want to see all the generations of Smart next to each other!
2. Funny smell in a Smart... at least the size of the car inherently rules out smells of a reproductive nature (I would think...)
3. Yoga mats as floor mats is actually a pretty good idea. I wonder how they’d work to add some “body” to the floor carpeting I need to make for the Jag?
4. That shift is absolutely adorable. Is it an automatic transmission or...? I see the + and - but no D so I has a confusing.
5. Super fucking jealous BTW. That would be a great little commuter/SmugMobile to shuttle me to and from work, especially for that price. Especially with the thought that, if something in the drivetrain brakes it’d be ideal for a silly engine swap.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 19:48 |
Congrats. Any plans for this or was this a spur of the moment thing? After all, free is free. Pretty hard to pass up.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 20:01 |
![]() 08/21/2017 at 20:02 |
Spur of the moment! It was literally all set up on Wednesday. lol
![]() 08/21/2017 at 20:04 |
This makes #3! One of each generation! And you’ll find that thing one day! :D
![]() 08/21/2017 at 20:07 |
All of the work! I have hundreds of pages of technical docs to help guide me.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 20:21 |
1. I will once I get Phil over to my house! :) We’re still waiting to gloss the garage floor and move the cabinets out of it. Theoretically I should be able to fit all three smarts plus Miss Dodge’s Neon.
2. I think it was oil mixed with whatever the heck left those brown stains all over everything??
3. They’d work great so long as you find a way to anchor them. They work as neat padding too!
4. Automated-Manual. So basically when you slap it left out of Neutral (down is Reverse, no Park) it goes straight into Manual Mode. Forward is up, backward is down. There’s a button on the side of the shifter that turns on Auto Mode. All smarts work like this save for US spec ones, which mimic a traditional “PRND” automatic.
5. Awe <3 My favourite part is that I have three flavours to choose from. If I want speed and/or refinement I go for Phil (the 2016), if I want to be unique or want a good overall balance, Tucker (the 2012). And now if I want to kick Prius butt with 60+ mpg, Chelsea!
![]() 08/21/2017 at 20:23 |
Si! The previous owner signed over the title to me, he just wanted the car gone. :)
![]() 08/21/2017 at 20:56 |
I love it! That color is primo. And you just can’t beat a free car. I’m glad it made the trip home alright! Congrats.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 21:00 |
![]() 08/21/2017 at 21:16 |
So that’s now one of every generation right?
![]() 08/21/2017 at 22:07 |
Coolness! What’s the plan for this one? :D
![]() 08/21/2017 at 22:23 |
It’s actually a pretty spectacular system too considering:
A) it’s from 2005.
B) it’s not even super high end.
C) it was pulling from FM radio!
![]() 08/21/2017 at 22:27 |
Initial goal is to restore it to as factory as possible, adding in factory options this car didn’t have (like that clock pod). Future goal would be to change the fabrics to be a new colour. The gray is nice, though these interiors really pop with some colour.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 22:27 |
Absolutely! :D
![]() 08/21/2017 at 22:30 |
Thank you!!! I love the colour a lot! Sadly, the panels are beginning to lose paint in places (along random edges) so I know I’ll have to replace them eventually...or get them repainted. It seems smart isn’t that great with red shades anyway.
![]() 08/21/2017 at 23:17 |
So, you seem to be a Smart enthusiast. I guess you can’t beat free, but do you like that transmission? Does it grow on you after a while?
I test drove one of these a couple of years ago, but ended up buying an iQ instead because I couldn’t get past the weirdo transmission the Smart had. I wanted so badly to like it, though. I love the iQ; I’d imagine the Smart is similarly lovable, if the transmission doesn’t bother you.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 01:19 |
Words can’t even describe how much I want it.
I’m so happy for you.
You deserve it.
I’m glad it found a good home.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 05:21 |
well done!
![]() 08/22/2017 at 07:01 |
Miss Mercedes’ home for wayward Smarts.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 07:55 |
![]() 08/22/2017 at 08:13 |
So is the overall goal to collect every Smart car in the US?
Also, if you want to get the rest of the brake dust off, get some of this stuff: https://www.amazon.com/Sonax-230241-Wheel-Cleaner-Plus/dp/B00KS5JJ4A/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1503404045&sr=8-2&keywords=sonax+wheel+cleaner
It’s taken track-day baked on dust off the tire with pretty much zero effort on my part.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 09:25 |
Is that a glass roof?
Is it removable?
Wait, you got for free?
As in FREE!?!?!?
fuck me...everything is truly coming up Milhouse for you, Miss Mercedes!
Keep that good vibe streak going!
![]() 08/22/2017 at 10:26 |
I love it when people get so into quirky cars that they start owning more than one of them. I was like that with the Pontiac Fiero (Had 5 of them at one point in time).
In those 14-years of ownership, I had taken apart, replaced, swapped, or repaired pretty much every single part. I had acquired a level of knowledge of the car that even still, I will have people call me or e-mail me questions about them. I’m sure your level of knowledge with Smart Cars is probably greater than most.
I eventually moved on to a newer, but just as quirky car, the Mazda RX-8. I hope to own multiples of it too!
Oh, and that transmission, that is weird! I like it though!
![]() 08/22/2017 at 11:39 |
Awesome for a free car!
I spotted your blue one (Tucker?) yesterday on my way home from work (at Engle and 83 in Lake Villa) was like hey I’ve seen that car on Jalopnik! Was driving the silver 2001 Neon R/T at the time.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 12:00 |
I will admit to mocking smart cars in the past, but your enthusiasm and passion have made me reconsider. I mean, given my automotive needs at the moment and in the foreseeable future, I’m unlikely to be shopping for one anytime soon, but I’m still jealous...
I know we haven’t really interacted except maybe a little bit over at LaLD where I do most of my Kinja-ing, but I intermittently stalk you. Anyway, I wanted you to know that your openness and honesty has made a real difference for me not just in what I think about smart cars but also as I’ve been coming to terms with being trans.
So thanks for being unapologetically you.
Great name choice for the car too.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 12:14 |
Anyway, I wanted you to know that your openness and honesty has made a real difference for me not just in what I think about smart cars but also as I’ve been coming to terms with being trans.
Awe thank you so much! I’m happy to make a difference! To me, that makes it all worth it. I don’t mind the stalking, I’m just happy to help! :)
Also, I love all the trans people of Kinja!
The thing about smarts is that you’ll want to try one before you buy one. They’re certainly not for everyone, especially when it comes to the transmission, fuel economy, and crosswinds. In 2008, thousands of people bought them only to figure out pretty quickly that they couldn’t live with one. :(
![]() 08/22/2017 at 12:43 |
SO THAT WAS YOU! Miss Dodge drives a 2004 Neon (SXT?) of a dark gray, so I’ve gotten good at spotting Neons. Yeah, I parked the 450 then switched to the 451 (Tucker) to go back to my mum’s house. I actually live right in that neighbourhood that I was coming out of.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 12:52 |
In those 14-years of ownership, I had taken apart, replaced, swapped, or repaired pretty much every single part. I had acquired a level of knowledge of the car that even still, I will have people call me or e-mail me questions about them. I’m sure your level of knowledge with Smart Cars is probably greater than most.
Oh yeah, I get questions all the time about these little cars from smart owners around the world. I’m best with the 451 generation but am quickly gaining knowledge about the new generation (453) and now the first generation (450). Unless I’m crazy, it looks like this first generation car may be easier to work on than the other two generations.
Perhaps surprisingly, my parents hate this third car. They were absolutely furious that I didn’t give them a smart. I wasn’t aware that such was a requirement for me to have a third car. Likewise, they know one of my goals as an adult is to have a fleet of smarts, so getting a third shouldn’t be such a shock. Yet we argued for hours about how they gave me a house (they didn’t, I’m paying for it lol) and I won’t even give them a car. *shrug*
You should totally have multiples of the RX-8! I think that’s a lovely car to have a fleet of! Even more special because they aren’t in production anymore like US spec smarts.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 14:15 |
Pretty much! The next smart has to be a convertible though, I want one bad! xD Maybe I’ll get a Canadian diesel 450 in convertible.
And thanks! I think I need some of that neat stuff. :)
![]() 08/22/2017 at 14:19 |
Well, It cost me $40 for a plane ticket, $9 in a train ticket, and $80 in petrol for the return trip. But otherwise it’s free with a clear title that’s now in my name!
![]() 08/22/2017 at 14:26 |
it really is amazing at removing dust, and it turns red as it does it’s thing. But its the zero effort on my part that makes me love it.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 14:44 |
Depends on the generation! The 453 (latest) generation either comes a DCT or a traditional 3 pedal manual. The DCT isn’t any different than any other DCT in production now. Lighting quick and smooth gear changes!
The 451 (previous) generation has a single clutch automated manual. It takes about a second to change gear and the Auto Mode on this car is infuriating. Engineers decided to program the Auto Mode on the US spec versions to shift into the highest gear as soon as possible. This leads to having a lack of power and shifting gears when you don’t want it to happen.
It is thus, I’ve driven 100% of my miles in my 451 in Manual Mode. When you control what gear the car is in the car becomes infinitely more fun.
Since the 450 (first) generation was never sold in the US, that infuriating programming doesn’t exist. This means that both Auto Mode and Manual Mode are fine to use. Plus the car gets 60+ mpg too. It appears the 450 actually upshifts faster than the 451, but downshifting takes almost 2 seconds. So with one hand the car gives and with the other it takes.
But yeah, I guess I got used to it. I never found the transmission that much of a bother anyway except the Auto Mode programming.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 14:45 |
Thank you! :D
Oh gosh, I must be starting a smart rescue or something.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 14:47 |
The best glass! Seriously though, it’s glass and even bigger than the plastic roofs found in the newer generations. I see that the conversion company (G&K) added a support beam to help prevent the glass from shattering like they were notorious for in Europe. The window sadly isn’t removable.
And yes, aside from the title fee I’ll pay to transfer the title the car was completely and entirely free! :D
Thanks so much!
![]() 08/22/2017 at 14:55 |
Hey we’re practically neighbors then, I live in the neighborhood just north of Walmart. If you or Miss Dodge ever need a hand with neon stuff I’ve worked on a bunch of those. Smart cars I’ve never touched, but I once assembled a cozy coupe.
![]() 08/22/2017 at 16:16 |
![]() 08/22/2017 at 16:57 |
How long before you collect the electrics?
![]() 08/22/2017 at 16:59 |
Huh, I never considered the ED...and I do have a way to charge one now...
![]() 08/22/2017 at 19:44 |
Million dollar idea - swap in a Honda goldwing flat 6. Way more power and torque than stock, but it’s a long life, small displacement flat 6!
![]() 08/22/2017 at 22:22 |
First off, congrats! Don’t see these original ones around too often anymore.
Is this car a totally different generation than tucker? Or was tucker’s type a refresh of Chelsea?
![]() 08/23/2017 at 00:09 |
Thank you!!! :) They’re especially rare in the US too!
It is a first generation chassis (W450) with a refreshed front end. Tucker is a second generation chassis (W451) with a refreshed paint option and new interior.
![]() 08/24/2017 at 09:59 |
Oh ok thank you! I always thought there was a difference but was never quite sure. Which smart generation do you like the best?
![]() 08/24/2017 at 16:43 |
Congrats! If you are looking for customizing options, I saw this on the road yesterday (plates said SUPERCR):
![]() 08/24/2017 at 17:43 |
Thanks so much!
Oh gosh, that’s the infamous “SLR McLaren nose” mod!
![]() 08/25/2017 at 10:11 |
I didn’t even notice that at first, I just saw the little aero flap on the front corners and the SUPERCR plates. The McLaren nose was just icing on the Smart cake!
![]() 08/25/2017 at 19:00 |
Lovely car! a guy in my neighbourhood has 5 of them on his driveway under a makeshift tent, in various states of (dis)repair and he DD a classic range rover with body panels in more different colours than the rainbow.
I always wondered if there was a following of these cars, and after having sat in one at a used car dealer, I get why.
Good luck on the journey with your new Smart!